Who Gets To Decide What To With The Ashes Of Your Loved Ones?

Who Gets To Decide What To With The Ashes Of Your Loved Ones?There are things that we have to learn to let go in life in order to move on. However, letting go is not an easy thing to do. Most individuals take a long time to forget the pain of losing someone they love dearly while some take little time. Nevertheless, there will come a time when we would have to experience losing the people we care about. This is considered to be one of the greatest fears that we absolutely avoid no matter what.

We have to face the fact that it is an inevitable moment that we would have to deal with. There are different kinds of loss that a person could experience depending on the degree. Losing someone does not always mean losing a loved one through death but also through other methods as well such as breaking up from an intimate relationship, leaving your family to work in another country, and many more but death. With these different ways of losing a loved one, death is ranked at the top.

When we do lose someone we care about through death, we still go through the different stages of grief but in varying degrees. Death would mean not seeing the person again which is why letting go of the deceased person’s body through basic cremation is difficult. This is one of the biggest indications that the deceased has transcended and left the bereaved. Some of the people grieving might find it impossible to move passed the loss and with the different emotions that arise in this kind of situation, it would be hard to decide whether who gets to keep the remains of the deceased.

There are varying methods in determining who gets to keep the ashes of your loved ones and what to do with it. First would be checking out the last will and testament of the deceased. If he or she was not able to write one, then the immediate family or relative would get the remains depending on the kind of relationship they had with the deceased such as the wife or husband, son or daughter, parents, and many more. Second, regarding with what to do with the remains, it would also depend on what the deceased wants or with what the immediate family member wants to do with it.