Making a video for your family to watch after your death – what would you add?

Life is filled with twists and turns. It may get so unpredictable that we often end up not knowing what is out there for us or what will happen next. Who knows, the life that we have now might not be with us the next day. It may be a scary thought but the chances of it happening can be very considerable.  That is why it is important to live your life to the fullest for each and every day that we are given the opportunity to do so. Living your life the way you wanted it to be leaves you no regrets the moment that it could be taken away from you.

While we are at the subject of life’s random chances, consider this situation. What if you are told that you are bound to leave this physical world by tomorrow and you have the remaining day (now) to create a video that you will dedicate to your family as soon as you leave them for good? What are you going to tell them? What message will you leave behind? This may be an off-putting topic for some but let us take that chance to actually consider this scenario.

If you come to think of it, there are a lot of things that you could say to your family. The topics are almost endless given that you have created numerous memories with them. Thank them for those wonderful moments that you have shared with each other. This encapsulates all the highs and lows that you have experienced in your whole life with them. By showing them your appreciation, you also show the value of each memory that you created with them.

It would also be good to talk about forgiveness in your video. As you have lived, there have been instances where you were not in good terms with your family. Take this time to ask for forgiveness to all that you have hurt. Also, assure them that you have forgiven them as well for all the times they have made you feel upset.

Finally, send them a message of love. Even in that single video, make them feel that you are nothing without them and even in the next chapter that you will be heading to, they are still your family. Your life may not be eternal, but what you feel for them will stay eternally.

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