Understanding Grief on a Death of aSibling through My Lovely Man by Red Hot Chili Peppers

L530641341_29f118140eife is just as it is until the worst nightmare becomes unimaginable. When someone close to you passed away, things will suddenly get crazy.  It is probably the hardest emotional experiences we ever have to endure. His absence could make your home filled unbearable silence or eerie cries. There is no right or wrong way to deal with it. But your grief is yours, it will not be theirs because the unique relationship you had with him is different. So keep talking about how you feel and how you need others to help you understand.  Despite of that, recognize the other members’ emotional battles and loss too. It can be either confusing or distressing at times. So the biggest question is, how would you keep your balance if your brother or sister dies?

In a world that seems unfair and unpredictable, dealing with emotions is very important. Each members of the family has its own special memory and shared affection. So we couldn’t expect them to show the same amount of emotions or know how to deal with it. But then, it is better to choose a non destructive manner of bereavement. Talk to one another, give your sympathetic ears and heart so healing may run within the family. Remember, there are so many things to prepare during this time like calling the distant family and relatives to inform about his death, the cremation services, and the funeral.

Grieving takes a lot of energy. However, try to commit yourself to getting though the emotional and physical work of grieving and of saying goodbye to your sibling. You can take it productively thru giving support during the funeral rites and thinking of the best funeral song for him. The song titled “My Lovely Man“ by Red Hot Chili Peppers would be a good choice.  This song perceivesthe feeling of loss from a brother (sibling). It is personally dedicated by James to his brother, the former guitarist of the band- Hillel Slovak.  Each line narratesthe warm brotherhood and friendship, their strong bond during ups and downs, and his emptiness when he died, as well as his hope of meeting him again.